Explore the Growing Relevancy of Big Data

Most of us are now more than familiar with terms like Hadoop, Spark, MY-SQL, Hive, Cloud etc. We know there are at least 20 NO-SQL databases and a number of other Big Data solutions emerging every month. Today, data are accumulating at exponentially increasing rates. There are more than 100 hours of video uploaded to YouTube every minute, millions of images are uploaded to Facebook and Instagram. Big Data solutions are used to analyze this enormous amount of data. Industries that are getting the most out of this amazing technology - Several industries, such as financial services, telecom, retail and insurance, are among the leaders in collating, processing, and analyzing big data into reliable findings. Even more importantly, they have the ability to arrive at these insights in very quick, if not real-time. Generally, most organizations have several goals for adopting big data and Hadoop . While the primary goal for most organizations is to enhance customer experience, other g...