Explore why the world's most successful companies using React Native and will continue to do so.

Created by Facebook( Meta Platforms ), React Native is a framework for writing real, natively rendering mobile applications for iOS, Android, and Windows platforms. React Native is an open-source framework with one of the largest support communities. The main difference between React and React Native is that RN re-renders the view by leveraging the UI libraries of its host platform, rather than using HTML and CSS markup. This allows React Native to translate your mark up to real, native UI elements. Why React Native Is Going to Be BIG in 2022 It’s based on the JavaScript library and the application created with the help of React Native will have elements i.e., the button components, toolbars, texts, and text boxes behave natively even though they were created using JavaScript. Single Coding – React Native takes the building blocks from the native user interface and combines it with its own JavaScript. With React Native one codebase is created that complies similarly with both N...