Remain 100% GDPR Compliant with top-notch Cybersecurity Solutions of CBNITS

Companies that collect data on citizens in the European Union (EU) countries need to comply with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Under the terms of GDPR, not only do organizations have to ensure that personal data is collected maintaining a legal framework but also manage it and protect it properly against any possible misuse and exploitation, as well as to respect the rights of data owners. Strict penalties will be slapped for any compliance negligence with GDPR. The penalties for non-compliance are hefty in terms of finance as well as reputation. Now is the time to prepare. Some of the key privacy and data protection requirements of the GDPR include : · Anonymizing collected data to protect privacy · Needing the consent of subjects for data processing · Submitting data breach notifications · Securely managing the transfer of d...